Muda dan Matang: Untuk Malaysia Lebih Baik
Kini semakin menjadi realiti untuk rakyat Malaysia seawal umur 18 tahun ke atas berpatisipasi dalam proses demokrasi negara. Sama ada...
Kini semakin menjadi realiti untuk rakyat Malaysia seawal umur 18 tahun ke atas berpatisipasi dalam proses demokrasi negara. Sama ada...
The rise of China is certainly impressive and unprecedented. Its outstanding advancement in recent decades provides much reason for its...
‘Terima kasih Datuk Lee Chong Wei!’ Bait Al-Amanah ingin menzahirkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Olahragawan Malaysia yang...
Game Settings – a brief history Esports is nothing new to the gaming community, however many are unaware and uncertain what entails from...
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia telah melaporkan Prestasi Ekonomi Malaysia suku tahun pertama 2019 pada 16 Mei 2019. Secara keseluruhannya,...
Al-Sharq Youth Conference 2019 For the first time ever, Malaysia was chosen to be the host of the 2019 Al-Sharq Youth Conference. With...
I HAD a conversation with my mum recently over an elderly friend, technology, and getting on with life in this hyperconnected world....
“For Malaysia to succeed, the Malays must succeed”. The statement above was quoted by Tun Daim Zainuddin in the seminar entitled ‘Naratif...
Sepanjang minggu lalu, saya dan pasukan Bait Al Amanah berkampung di Jakarta untuk memantau dan belajar tentang Pilihanraya Indonesia,...
Kepentingan FELDA dalam fabrik sosial dan ekonomi Malaysia adalah suatu perkara yang tidak memerlukan perbahasan. Namun, masa depan dan...
A Note of Thanks to the People of New Zealand We are deeply grieved by the horrifying terrorist attack in Christchurch. First, we would...
SUATU waktu dulu, saya pernah mengunjungi The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) di Colorado Springs, Amerika Syarikat. Lawatan...
After admitting defeat, the vanquished M Manogaran accused the Barisan Nasional campaign machinery of playing up racial sentiments to win...
Jawatankuasa Konsultatif Nasional Mengenai Pembiayaan Politik (JKNMPP) telah dilancarkan pada 14 Ogos 2015 untuk menyediakan satu forum...
Prosperity. Sustainability. Security. All rely on global economic cooperation, so how can we can we shape a more equitable and...
Thank you, Professor Klaus Schwab, Hilde Schwab and the World Economic Forum for this generous award and inviting me to Davos. I am quite...
The Department of Statistics Malaysia recently released the Social Statistics Bulletin Malaysia 2018. This interesting bulletin which is...
“Cukai progresif adalah kunci untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi sambil menutup jurang antara golongan kaya dan miskin.” Joseph Stiglitz,...
Malaysia’s relations with Singapore witnessed a decline recently. This is due to the renewed tensions triggered by unresolved bilateral...
Malam tadi Mohammad Adib bin Mohd Kassim telah pergi untuk selamanya. Pepatah Inggeris ada berbunyi “only the good die young”. Pepatah...