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Covid-19: Act Fast & Do Whatever it Takes!

As of March 24th 2020, there are already over 384,000 cases of Coronavirus worldwide, with 16,591 deaths. Though over 102,000 have...

Senarai Kabinet Malaysia 2020

Menteri Kanan – Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Lim Ban Hong (akan...

Response to Economic Stimulus Package 2020

The stimulus package was still announced despite the past week’s political headwinds, indicating the commitment of the interim Prime...

Dilema Stateless yang Tidak Bernoktah.

Memegang kad pengenalan biru merupakan suatu nikmat yang sering diambil mudah oleh rata-rata daripada kita, sama ada dari segi hak...

Rethinking Classifications of Poverty in Malaysia

Khazanah Research Institute recently published a short opinion piece entitled “Are Both the B40 and M40 ‘Poor’? Evidence from an...

International Affairs Update (Week 1 of February 2020)

A. Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) What is it? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common...

Dilema Kelapa Sawit

Mungkin kerajaan hari ini lupa bahawa ekonomi rakyat kebanyakan adalah ekonomi pertanian. Ia adalah denyut nadi dan rezeki utama rakyat...

International Affairs Update (Week 2 of January 2020)

A. Singapore i) E-Scooters Ban $1 billion to triple cycling path network in Singapore amid the e-scooters ban on footpaths Extending from...

Business Sentiment Report 2019/2020

The annual Malaysian Business Sentiment Survey 2019/2020 conducted jointly by Monash University Malaysia and CPA Australia identifies key...

Happy New Year, Fellow Malays!

As we embark into the new decade, we should simultaneously look at the elephant in the room. As much as we tried to justify the teaching...

Arus 2020: Malaysia Lemas dalam Globalisasi?

Kita sering dibelenggu dengan globalisasi yang sentiasa berubah pendekatannya. Petikan daripada mesyuarat tahunan World Economic Forum...

Pesan kepada Umno untuk 2020

TAHUN 2019 bakal melabuhkan tirainya. Tahun hadapan, bermulalah dekad baharu bagi kalendar Gregorian. Bersamanya juga tiba seribu satu...

UMNO Jangan Berangan

UMNO parti terbesar orang Melayu, baru sahaja selesai berhimpun. Acara tahunan bagi memenuhi takwim parti tersebut sudah tentu...

A Tribute to Dr Tetsu Nakamura

We would like to extend our sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Dr Tetsu Nakamura, a man whose work will forever...

Adakah Pengundi Kita Terlalu Beremosi?

Ada banyak aspek yang boleh diperhalusi dalam menilai sikap dan pemikiran pengundi. Kajian serta disiplin yang mengkaji sentimen serta...

Call for a Peaceful Resolution for Jammu and Kashmir

A two-day international conference under the theme “Kashmir Turmoil: Emerging Threats to Peace and Role of International Community” was...

Insights: Blog2
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