Bait Al Amanah (House of Trust) published an op-ed titled 'Level Up: The Benefits of Gaming and Esports in Schools' authored by Yugendran T Kannu Sivakumaran (Research Assistant) and Karisma Putera Abd Rahman (Research & Advocacy Analyst)
The global gaming market is now more popular than ever. From 2019 to 2021, the market grew a staggering 26 per cent from $151 billion to $191 billion. By 2026, PwC expects the industry's revenue to soar to $321 billion. But in Malaysia, the industry is still in its early development. Therefore, this is a prime opportunity to prepare our youth for a rapidly growing global industry.
Over time, the perception of gaming has transformed significantly, shedding itself of negative stigmas whilst emerging as a new platform for talent, entertainment, and opportunities. In the past, gaming was perceived as a mind-numbing hobby. Today, it is recognized for contributing to skills development and problem-solving abilities among the younger generation. The rise of esports and game development has further broadened the horizon, offering the youth a wider choice of career options. Therefore, the idea of introducing gaming as an extracurricular in Malaysian schools should be considered to capitalise on this opportunity.
Their op-ed was published on the News Strait Times (NST).
Full version of the op-ed can be found here: